

  • Client LLC NPO Pharmvilar

    Successful Representation of the Client in a Pharmaceutical Patent Dispute

    The dispute lasted over four years. As a result of the coordinated work of the Consultant's patent attorneys and lawyers, as well as interaction with the Client, the Patent was declared invalid by the decision of Rospatent, which was confirmed by the Intellectual Property Court. As a result, the Arbitration Court of Moscow dismissed the Opponent's claim for infringement of the right to the invention under the Patent.

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  • Client Setra Lubrikants LLC

    Successful Representation of the Client in a Patent Infringement Case

    The specialists from Gorodissky & Partners filed with the Russian PTO an opposition to the granting of the patent, and appealed the decision to the Moscow City Court. The Russian PTO held the patent fully invalid. Taking into account the decision of the Russian PTO, the Moscow City Court reversed the decision of the trial court and ruled for the client.

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  • Client Dermophisiologique S.R.L. SB (Italy)

    Case No. СИП-180/2022: successful representation of the Client's interests in a dispute with Rospatent

    The specialists of Gorodissky & Partners successfully represented the Client's interests in court instances, as a result of which   trademark No. 652806 was cancelled. The illegally registered trademark could mislead consumers and cause significant damage to the Client’s intellectual property and business reputation.

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  • Client Novolabsystem LLC (Russia)

    Successful Representation оf the Software Developer in the Dispute on the Exclusive Rights Enforcement

    Our firm’s lawyers were able to convince the judges that the Defendant had not unlawfully used the litigious computer programme, because it was using its own software, therefore, was exploiting its own exclusive rights.

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  • Client Evalar CJSC

    Successful Representation of Client in a Dispute on Infringement of Patented Invention

    Taking into account our arguments and the expert’s opinion, the court has concluded that the invention under the Claimant’s patent is not used in the Client’s product and has dismissed its claims. Thus, the Client has got an opportunity to freely produce and market its product.

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