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What to expect in 2021: a world tour // Thomson Reuters Practical Law

3 February 2021

Sergey Medvedev, Partner at Gorodissky & Partners, gave the following comment to Practical Law by Thomson Reuters on what to expect in 2021 in Pharma: “The use of the patented technologies and inventions for the benefit of national security in the pharma sphere should become a hot issue. The Russian government has already issued a binding order under Article 1360 of the Russian Civil Code to allow the use of inventions related to the production of Remdesivir. More specifically, a Russian company (Pharmasintez JSC) has been permitted to use Remdesivir-related invention patents owned by two US companies (within the Gilead group). It is expected that there could be more cases and trends in this particular area in the near future to protect the national public interests and state security, especially in the life sciences sector.”

The full text of the article can be found at this link: What to expect in 2021: a world tour.
