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Course on patenting practice for young inventors

7 December - 9 December 2022

Vladimir Bashkirov, Russian Patent Attorney, Eurasian Design Attorney, Alexander Budkin, Patent Search Expert (both - “Gorodissky and Partners”, Moscow), Galina Lebedeva, Russian Patent Attorney, Regional Director (“Gorodissky and Partners”, Ufa), and Albert Ibragimov, Partner, Russian Patent Attorney, Eurasian Patent Attorney (“Gorodissky and Partners”, Kazan), launched the Course on patenting practice for young inventors. At the first lecture, Vladimir and Alexander spoke on “Patent information at the service of new developments. Patent search workshop” and Galina with Albert held the practice part.

The first lesson of the Course discussed Russian and international platforms allowing to find existing inventions and gathered 25 students in Ufa and 65 in Kazan.
