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IV Annual Patent Congress – 2024

7 October 2024

The lV Annual Patent Congress of the Russian National AIPPI Group was held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Biriulin, Member of the AIPPI Russian National Group Bureau, Partner, Russian Patent Attorney (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow) took part in the Opening Ceremony of the IV Annual Patent Congress - 2024.

Sergey Medvedev, Ph.D., LL.M., Partner, Trademark & Design Attorney, (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow, Dubai) spoke about the peculiarities of trust management of exclusive rights.

Alina Grechikhina, Russian Trademark & Design Attorney, Eurasian Design Attorney (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow), spoke at the round table “Trademarks and Other Means of Individualization” on “Unprotected Elements: Obstacles in Registration of Designations and Scope of Legal Protection of Trademarks”.

In the session “IP Disputes” spoke:
Anton Bankovskiy, Ph.D., Counsel, Russian Patent Attorney (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow) on the topic “Compulsory licenses at the present stage in Russia - trends, practice, expectations”.
Anton Melnikov, LL.M., Senior Lawyer (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow) on “Unfair Competition with the Use of Other People's Intellectual Property”.
