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Seminar “IP importance in doing business” in Krasnodar

14 March 2019
Seminar “IP importance in doing business” in Krasnodar

Leading specialists - Valery Medvedev, Managing Partner, Russian & Eurasian Patent Attorney, Trademark Attorney, Vladimir Bashkirov, Russian Patent Attorney, Vladimir Trey, Partner, Trademark Attorney, Sergey Vasiliev, Ph.D, Trademark Attorney, Valery Narezhny, Ph.D., Counsel (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow), Vadim Bloshentsev, Partner, Trademark Attorney, Regional Director (Gorodissky & Partners, Krasnodar) spoke at the second Seminar from the series dedicated to the Gorodissky & Partners 60th anniversary “IP importance in doing business”.

Levon Kharadzhian, Chief Consultant of the Department for Investments and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of Krasnodar Region addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

The event was attended by 50 participants - representatives of small and medium business, industrial, commercial, service companies, business development 190314Kr_z10.jpgconsultants, lawyers, patent and trademark attorneys, marketing and advertising specialists, brand managers, etc.

The Seminar took place in the frames of Gorodissky IP School the firm’s educational project.
