Seminar “IP importance in doing business” in Krasnodar
14 March 2019
Leading specialists - Valery Medvedev, Managing Partner, Russian & Eurasian Patent Attorney, Trademark Attorney, Vladimir Bashkirov, Russian Patent Attorney, Vladimir Trey, Partner, Trademark Attorney, Sergey Vasiliev, Ph.D, Trademark Attorney, Valery Narezhny, Ph.D., Counsel (Gorodissky & Partners, Moscow), Vadim Bloshentsev, Partner, Trademark Attorney, Regional Director (Gorodissky & Partners, Krasnodar) spoke at the second Seminar from the series dedicated to the Gorodissky & Partners 60th anniversary “IP importance in doing business”.
Levon Kharadzhian, Chief Consultant of the Department for Investments and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of Krasnodar Region addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.
The event was attended by 50 participants - representatives of small and medium business, industrial, commercial, service companies, business development consultants, lawyers, patent and trademark attorneys, marketing and advertising specialists, brand managers, etc.
The Seminar took place in the frames of Gorodissky IP School the firm’s educational project.