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Webinar "New Horizons of IP in Eurasia"

28 April - 29 April 2021

euraz_webinar.jpgGorodissky & Partners held a webinar "New Horizons of IP in Eurasia". As part of the seminar, lawyers and IP attorneys from the Moscow and Kiev offices spoke about the development of systems for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property in the Eurasian region, including the recently emerged system of protection of the Eurasian trademark, the well-established Eurasian patent system, within which, in May 2020, appeared the opportunity to protect not only inventions, but also industrial designs. The speakers also shared their experience in developing effective strategies for the protection of patents, industrial designs and trademark rights in the Eurasian region in the light of new challenges.

Speakers at the webinar were: Yury Kuznetsov, Partner, Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney, Head of Patent Practice, Evgeny Aleksandrov, Ph.D., Partner, Russian Trademark Attorney, Head of Legal Practice, Trademark and Industrial Design Practice, Sergey Dorofeev, Partner, Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney, Head of Mechanics Department, Alexey Kratyuk, Partner, Russian Trademark & Design Attorney, Head of the Trademark Department, Valentin Kirillov, Partner, Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney, Viacheslav Rybchak, Partner, Russian Trademark & Design Attorney (all from Gorodissky and Partners, Moscow), Maxim Bocharov, Ukrainian Patent Attorney, Head of Patent Practice (Gorodissky and Partners, Kiev).

The webinar was attended by 90 people.
