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Patent Information Services

Integrated patent information studies are conducted by any company engaged in the research and development of new products and technologies; among other benefits such studies may allow avoiding duplication of already existing products and solutions.

Scientists and engineers in Russia and CIS countries are traditionally strong and competitive in many fields of art while information on their research and development work is also traditionally difficult for studying due to existence of majority of the publications in the Russian language only. Although abstracts of published patents are now available in the English language, the other, perhaps more important their parts can still be available in the Russian language which makes keyword search restricted and quite challenging for a non-Russian speaking expert.

Further, a considerable amount of non-patent Russian publications such as articles, books, and dissertations, while being cited in patent documents and potentially containing technical solutions of interest, are not available online or in any digitized form. In these circumstances sometimes the only way to obtain them is to conduct a manual search in Russian libraries and other off-line information sources in order to find such publications.

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