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Albert Ibragimov

Albert Ibragimov
Partner Russian Patent Attorney Eurasian Patent Attorney
Regional Director
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  • Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev (1991)
  • Russian PTO (1998)
  • Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation (2002)
  • Institute for Advanced Studies of the Russian Federal Center of Forensic Science (2008)


  • LES International
  • Chamber of patent attorneys


  • Tatarstan Center of Scientific and Technical Information (1997-2008)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2008


  • Russian
  • English


  • State Award of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of science and technology
  • Patents in the field of:
    • Aircraft Manufacturing
    • Electric-powered machines and equipment
    • Borehole equipment
    • Exploration and exploitation of oil and gas wells
    • Oil and gas well survey
    • Geophysical equipment
    • Oil well drilling
    • Information processing technology
    • Difficult hydrocarbons production technology
  • IP portfolio management for companies and projects
  • Judicial expertise in the field of inventions and utility models


  • LES International
  • Chamber of patent attorneys


  • State Award of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of science and technology
  • “Russian tax law viewed from an IP angle“ (Intellectual Property Magazine, June 2011)
  • “Development of a filing and management system for scientific and technological activities in the Republic of Tatarstan“ (“Information, innovation, investment: Proceedings of the international conference“, 2007)
  • “The State policy of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of IP management“ (proceedings of the VII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments, 2007)
  • “Science of Tatarstan“ (“The State policy of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of IP management“, 2006)
  • “IP management in the data support system of technology safety of the Republic of Tatarstan (Materials of IV International conference “Automobile and Technosphere“, 2005)
  • “Data support system of technology safety for companies in the Republic of Tatarstan” (“Energysupplysaving” International Conference proceedings, 2004)


  • “Patenting and protection of IT-developments as part of investment projects” (Meetup “IT Industry and Legal Regulation in Russia”, Kazan, September 2024)
  • “IP as part of the company's investment project” (Business Breakfast “Work of Patent Assets in it Startups and Investment Projects. Practice аnd Recommendations”, Kazan, July 2024)
  • “Practice of Formation of Exclusive Rights and Licensing of Industrial Technologies in Investment Projects” (XV International Forum “Innovative Development through Intellectual Property Market”, Kazan, April 2024)
  • “Practical issues of IP protection for exporting enterprises” (Online conference of the Perm Entrepreneurship Development Fund “Export in New Economic Conditions”, Perm, August 2020)
  • “Current trends in formation and commercial use of the portfolio of intellectual property rights in a market economy” (Strategic session of JSC “SME Corporation”, Kazan, November 2019)
  • “Creation and use of commercial intellectual property portfolios at engineering enterprises” (Seminar “Intangible asset management at engineering enterprises”, Naberezhnye Chelny, August 2019)
  • “Establishing corporate patent service. Training and professional development of industry specialists. Interaction with external consultants”, “Document management systems for patent groups overview” (Seminar “Modern company IP and its protection in the global market”, Kazan, November 2018)
  • “Regional brands - protection perspectives: use of geographical indications in means of individualization” (Public meeting at the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan on the activation of the registration of regional brands in the republic, Kazan, October 2018)
  • “Gorodissky IP School” - a modern school for the training and professional upgrading engineers and managers of high-tech companies in the field of intellectual property” (Seminar “IP protection in Russia and abroad. New perspectives”, Kazan, October 2017)
  • “Legal practice. Patent and licensing activity” (Gorodissky IP School, Training program “Patenting of inventions and utility models for product engineers”, Almetyevsk (Tatarstan), August 2017)
  • “Oil and gas companies’ patent portfolio management. Development and upgrading of licensed technologies of oil production and processing” (3rd Oil and Gas Forum in Perm “New approaches and technologies to maintain the extraction activity on a late stage of field development”, October 2016)
  • “Effective management of IP in an oil and gas businesses” (Training course “Petrophysics and geophysics in petroleum geology”, Kazan, September 2016)
  • “Building a patent portfolio& patent strategies in Russia and abroad for IT technologies” (Workshop for innovative companies-members of International Accelerator Project, Innopolis University, Kazan, May 2016)
  • “Aims and objectives of IP protection and subject matters patentability” (Workshop for specialists of oil and gas companies of Tatarstan Republic, Jalil, April 2016)
  • “Patent law. Novellas in legislation. Forming a patent portfolio for an innovation company.“ (XVI Russian (XI Kazan) Venture Fair, April 2016)
  • “Legal protection of technical innovations in oil exploration, extraction and transportation for managers, engineers and technical specialists of oil and gas extraction companies of Tatarstan Republic” (series of lectures, Bavly, Tatarstan, July 2015)
  • “Formation of patent portfolio in the field of machine building and oil production” (IV International Youth Industrial Forum “Engineers of the future — 2014”, Ufa, July 2014)
  • “IP protection for technical specialists of large machine-building enterprises” (series of, Zelenodolsk, September 2013)
  • “The practice of IT technical solutions` protection in Russia”, “Company patent portfolio and the pre-trial dispute resolution. Practical recommendations” (seminar “IPR protection in the fields of IT, software and e-commerce in Russia and Europe”, Kazan, July 2013)
  • “Brand protection: practice and comments” (workshop “Brand protection”, Kazan, April 2013)
  • “Methodology and practical experience of IP strategy development for universities and research centers in emerging countries” (First Russian Investment Forum “Small Innovation Business of the Ural region”, Ekaterinburg, March 2012)
  • A series of lectures for MIC experts (workshop “Creation, acquisition and transfer of IP rights”, St. Petersburg, May 2010)
  • “R&D agreement. Analysis of typical mistakes” (“Results of intellectual activity, created under R&D agreement”, St. Petersburg, September 2009)
  • “Invention, utility model created under a state contract” (seminar “Actual issues of IP protection at the present stage”, St. Petersburg, September 2009)
  • “Risks related to IP development and use in the enterprise. R&D agreement. Analysis of typical mistakes“ (7th Annual Seminar “IP Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2009)
  • Legal support in a licensing transaction related to the acquisition by PJSC TATNEFT of the fuel and retail business of Neste in Russia.
  • Consulting a large oil company on forming and protection of their patent portfolio, IP due diligence.
  • Forming a patent portfolio for a large Russian geophysical surveying company.
  • Forming a patent portfolio for a large Russian food producer.
  • Consulting a large US geophysical surveying company on IP strategy and patent portfolio issues in Russia.
  • Forming a patent portfolio in the Middle East for a large Russian geophysical oil wells surveying company
  • Development of standards and IP Department setup for a large oilfield services company.
  • Legal representation in courts and in the Chamber for Patent Disputes of a large oil company, a large medical device manufacturer, and a large food producer.
  • Holding judicial expertise in the fields of electronics, petroleum geophysics, applied mechanics, measuring means of medical equipment for more than 10 years.
  • Managing the scientific and technical projects in the field of development geophysics for more than 20 years.
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