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Alexey Kurchavy

Alexey Kurchavy
Software and Database Attorney
St. Petersburg
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  • St. Petersburg Radio-technical College (2001–2004)
  • Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (2004–2009)


  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2009


  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Computer programs
  • Databases
  • Topologies of integrated microcircuits


  • “Registration of software and databases in Rospatent. Practical aspects, case studies” (Seminar “Legal Protection of IT Solutions”, St. Petersburg, June 2024)
  • “Registration of software and databases in Rospatent” (Seminar “Legal Protection of IT Solutions”, St. Petersburg, April 2024)
  • “Software Development Pitfalls: legal aspect” (Annual Conference “Petersburg College Readings - 2021”, St. Petersburg, June 2021)
  • “Computer programs and databases legal protection. Computer program infringement evidences” (“Legal protection of computer programs and databases”, St. Petersburg, April 2014)
  • “Computer programs and databases. Creation, registration, transfer of rights and reproduction” (“IP. Legal coverage”, St. Petersburg, March 2014)
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