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Alexander Mits

Alexander Mits
Partner Russian Patent Attorney Eurasian Patent Attorney
Head of Filing Department
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  • National University of Science and Technology (1985–1990)


  • Sojuzpatent (1986–1999)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 1999


  • Russian
  • English
  • French
  • Filing patent applications in Russian, Eurasian and other PTOs of other countries, including former USSR countries
  • Consulting foreign and Russian clients on legal requirements for filing invention and utility model patent applications in Russian, Eurasian and PTOs of other countries


  • “Filing, translation and other formal requirements of the Russian and Eurasian Patent Offices, reinstatement of terms” (Seminar in Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association, Tokyo, July 2017)
  • “PCT contract — effective instrument of inventions and utility models patenting abroad” (7th annual seminar “IP protection strategy for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2009)
  • “Requirements to new patent cases, formal examination” (1st Annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2004)
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