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Elizaveta Seliverstova

Elizaveta Seliverstova
Patent & Trademark Attorney
Head of Patent Group
IP Renewals & Recordals Department
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  • Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (2001-2008)


  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (2004–2007)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2007


  • Russian
  • English

  • Optimization and managing of industrial property portfolio
  • Assignment of patents, trademarks, plant varieties and animal breeds, computer programs and databases
  • M&A deals in the part concerning patents, trademarks, plant varieties and animal breeds, computer programs and databases
  • Filing amendments in patent, trademark, name of origin, plant varieties and animal breeds, computer programs and database registrations
  • Maintenance of patents, trademarks, names of origin, plant varieties and animal breeds
  • Filing amendments in the customs IP registry
  • Maintenance of IP subject matters in the customs registry
  • “Succession in Patent Law: General Provisions and Regulation” (Notary Bulletin #7, July 2023)


  • “Changes in the procedure for fees payment for maintenance of registered IP rights, introduced from 05 October 2024”, “Presentation of the Gorodissky IP Mobile app for monitoring the maintenance of registered IP rights” (Seminars “The Role of Intellectual Property in modern business”, “The Role of Intellectual Property in the Metallurgical Industry. Protection of New Developments in the Field of Metallurgy. Trends and Realitie”, Ekaterinburg, November 2024)
  • Consulting and registration of assigment of trademark rights of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies from Great Britain. In total, the project included approximately 1000 trademarks in 12 countries around the world.
  • Advising and handling the registration of trademark changes for one of the Russia’s largest oil companies.
  • Consulting and registration of alienation of the rights to inventions of a major metallurgical company from Finland. In total, the project included approximately 500 patents in the Russian Federation and the countries of the Eurasian region.
  • Strategic planning, consulting and registration of transfer of rights without a contract and change of name and address for the patents of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies from Great Britain. The project included approximately 200 patents in the countries of the Eurasian region.
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