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Alexander Vladimirov

Alexander Vladimirov
Ph.D. Russian Patent Attorney Eurasian Patent Attorney
Deputy Head of Electronics & Physics Department
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  • Russian Aviation Technology University (1990–2001)
  • Ph.D. in Mechanics of Deformable Solids (2001)


  • Vossius & Partner (Munich, Germany) (2005)
  • Meissner Bolte (Munich, Germany) (2012)


  • Institute of Physics and Technology RAS (1999–2003)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2003


  • Russian
  • English

Patents in the field of:

  • Computers and other types of data processing equipment
  • Artificial intelligence systems
  • Blockchain technology
  • Electronic Cryptography
  • Integrated circuits, micro-assembles and micro-modules
  • TV and radio transmission equipment, telecommunications apparatus
  • Apparatus for receiving, recording and playback of sound and image signals
  • Video monitors and video projectors
  • Electric sound equipment
  • Recording and play-back audio and video equipment
  • Antenna technology
  • Apparatus and instruments for measuring, monitoring, navigating, testing, controlling and other purposes
  • Instruments and apparatus for the automated regulation and control
  • “Patent protection of computer related inventions in Russia and China” (The Electrosvyaz Magazine, № 8, 2022)
  • “Patent protection of computer related inventions in Russia and Eurasia” (Patent Attorney, № 5, 2022)
  • “Trends in mutual patenting in telecommunications as exemplified by the world's leading patent offices” (The Electrosvyaz Magazine, № 10, 2021)
  • “Patent prosecution in Russia” (IAM Global Patent Prosecution Guide 2022, November 2021)
  • “Current trends of IP protection in awireless telecom field” (“Patenting”, 2006)


  • “Detailed analysis of patentable subject matter in metallurgy with reference to the practices of foreign and Russian companies” (Seminar “The Role of Intellectual Property in the Metallurgical Industry. Protection of New Developments in the Field of Metallurgy. Trends and Realitie”, Ekaterinburg, November 2024)
  • “General Aspects of Obtaining Patent Protection for IT Solutions Based on AI” (22nd annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, October 2024)
  • “Computer-implemented inventions” (21th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, September 2023)
  • “Patent protection of computer related inventions in Eurasia, Russia and China” (20th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, June 2022)
  • “IP Protection in China” (Moscow Innovation Cluster Foundation webinar, Moscow, June 2021)
  • “Protection of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science” (Moscow Export Center, Moscow, November 2019)
  • “Discussion of Fundamental Aspects of Obtaining Patent Protection for Computer-Implemented Solutions in Russia and Foreign States” (JSC InfoTecs, Moscow, April 2016)
  • Representation of a large Chinese IT company in litigation on patent infringement.
  • Representation of a large international company in prosecution of appeal against patent issuance in the Russian PTO and in the Court on Intellectual Rights.
  • Technical expert support of a large foreign company in preparations to litigation on infringement of patent rights in the field of data storage and transmission.
  • Personnel training of electronics company`s rep office in Russia on strategy of selection and preparation of draft specifications for further applying for patent protection in Russia.
  • Advising a large foreign company, specializing in research, geological exploration and production of natural resources, on expediency of infringement proceedings regarding the company`s software.
  • Representation of international companies in prosecution of appeals in the Russian PTO against decisions on refusal of patent grants for applications in the field of computer-implemented solutions.
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