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Tatiana Filimonova

Tatiana Filimonova
Trademark Attorney
Senior lawyer
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  • Perm State University (1998-2003)
  • State University The Higher School of Economics (2005-2008)


  • Аssociation of Lawyers of Russia


  • Territorial body of the Federal State Service of Russia for financial sanation and bankruptcy in the Perm region (2003)
  • Perm Automobile Transport and Road Workers Trade Union of the Russian Federation (2003-2004)
  • “Pyaterochka” Retail Company (2004)
  • CJSC Administration Company Perm Motor-Building Complex (2005)
  • Permgazenergoservis LLC (2006-2010)
  • Tekhnotroniks LLC (2011-2016)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2016


  • Russian
  • Trademarks and service marks
  • Copyright and related rights
  • Computer programs & databases
  • Exclusive rights agreements on the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization
  • Commercial concession
  • Unfair competition
  • Legal representation and dispute resolution


  • Аssociation of Lawyers of Russia
  • “What are the prohibitions in connection with the registration of the "Yuri Gagarin" trademark?” (Interview AiF-Perm.ru, April 2024)
  • “Intellectual rights of children-authors of inventions and other results of intellectual activity” (Сommersant - Volga, November 2023)
  • “How the Law Helped Protect the Exclusive Right to a Commercial Designation” (Kommersant - Perm, September 2023)
  • “Logo analysis prior to registration - is the key factor in obtaining a trademark protection” (Kommersant - Perm, August 2022)
  • “Evidence as an effective tool for successful resolution of an IP infringement dispute” (Kommersant - Perm, April 2022)
  • “Through hardships to registration: how the Shpagin plant became a new brand in Perm” (Kommersant - Perm, January 2021)


  • “Trademark as a Tool for Effective Business Development in Russia and Abroad” (Exporters Club of Perm region, Perm, February 2024)
  • “Trademark as a Tool for Effective Business Development” (Perm Entrepreneurship Development Fund webinar “Trademark as a Tool for Effective Business Development”, Perm, March 2024)
  • “Legal Protection of Intellectual Activity Results and Means of Individualization for Successful Business Development” (RANEPA seminar “Legal Protection of Intellectual Activity Results and Means of Individualization for Successful Business Development”, Perm, November 2023)
  • “Trademark as a tool for effective development of self-employed business. Judicial practice. Registration Procedures” ("My Business" entrepreneurial support сenter (Perm) seminar “Trademark as a tool for effective development of self-employed business. Judicial practice. Registration Procedures”, Perm, August 2023)
  • “Protection of copyright and patent rights in innovative business” ("My Business" entrepreneurial support сenter (Perm) direct line “Protection of copyright and patent rights in innovative business”, Perm, April 2023)
  • “RIA as a creative economy basis. Basic provisions”, “Copyright subject matters as a part of creative industries. Software. Registration procedures”, “Trademarks and creative industries”, “Trade secrets in creative entrepreneurship. Exclusive right disposal to RIA and means of individualization” (Series of seminars “Creative economy in connection with IP”, Perm, October-November 2022)
  • “Legal protection of the intellectual activity results and means of individualization. Basis of copyright and patent law”, “Commercialization of IP. IPR and means of individualization disposal”, “Software and databases as the copyright subject matters. Registration peculiarities. Exclusive right disposal to these objects” (Webinar series for the experts of Perm research and educational centers, Perm, November 2022)
  • “IP basics in design and fashion industry” (Seminar “Cost and resources saving in small manufacturing” Perm, November 2022)
  • “Disposal of exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity and means of individualization. State registration of computer programs and databases. Disposal of the exclusive right to these objects” (Webinar “Disposal of exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity, means of individualization, computer programs and databases” developed under “Umnik” and “Start” programs of the Fund for Promotion of Innovations”, Perm, May 2022)
  • “Trademark as a developing tool for export-oriented businesses” (Webinar by the Center for Export Support of the Perm Region“Trademark as a developing tool for export-oriented businesses”, Perm, March 2022)
  • “Protection of IP objects, created under the innovation development programs of the Fund for Promotion of Innovations” (SIAP webinar “Protection of IP objects, created under the innovation development programs of the Fund for Promotion of Innovations”, Perm, February 2022)
  • “IP fundamentals in Russia. Commercialization of IP subject matters” (Webinar “Patent protection of products” developed under “Umnik” and “Start” programs of the Fund for Promotion of Innovations, Perm, October 2021)
  • “IP fundamentals in Russia. Basic provisions of patent, copyright and trademark rights” (Webinar “IP basis for technological entrepreneurship. Fundamentals of patent and copyright law”, Perm, September 2021)
  • “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Technological Entrepreneurship Entities” (Webinar “Patent protection of products manufactured by small and medium-sized businesses” for participants of the “Smart” and “Start” programs of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Perm, July 2021)
  • “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Successful Business Development” (Webinar “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Successful Business Development” for participants of the “Smart” and “Start” programs of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Perm, April 2021)
  • “Private law and civil process in the digital age: are classical institutions sufficient?” (IX Congress of scientists-lawyers “Legal regulation of society digitalization of society. Priority tasks”, Perm, October 2018)
  • “Tools for subsidizing costs for Russian producers for foreign patenting”, “Legal protection of intellectual property results as a trade secret Rights to the know-how” (Practical seminar “IP management issues. Legal practice overview”, Perm, April 2018)
  • “Tools for subsidizing costs for Russian producers for foreign patenting”, “Legal protection of intellectual property results as a trade secret Rights to the know-how” (Practical seminar “IP management strategy for successful business development”, Lysva, November 2017)
  • “Compensation for Russian producers of IP registration expenses on foreign markets” (Seminar “Export opportunities of the Belarusian market”, Gorodissky IP School, Perm, October 2017)
  • “Compensation for Russian producers of IP registration expenses on foreign markets” (Seminar “Current issues in Patent and Copyright Law”, Gorodissky IP School, Perm, October 2017)
  • “Fundamentals of IP protection in Russian Federation” (Practical Seminar “Issues of using IP in the sphere of services, legal practice: types of responsibility”, Perm, December 2016)
  • “Trade secrets in a company: organization, docketing, kinds of liability” (“Seminar for organizations participating in innovative clusters in Perm Territory”, April 2016)
  • “Trade secrets in a company: organization, docketing, kinds of liability, court decisions review” (“IP days in Perm Territory”, April 2016)
  • “Practical aspects of civil law and arbitration proceeding. Fundamentals of IP in Russian Federation” (Master-class for masters of the law faculty of the Higher School of Economics, Perm, June 2015)
  • Represented a client in a commercial designation protection case before the Chamber of Patent Disputes.
  • Consulting on trademarks and service marks registration.
  • Representation of energy and gas companies in the arbitration court on economic disputes.
  • Advising an innovative company in the field of IT technologies on unfair competition.
  • Advising clients on trade secrets introduction..
  • Participation in IP objects legal audit.
  • Advising on issues of obtaining rights to computer programs.
  • Advising on the protection of intellectual property in court.
  • Preparation of intellectual property auctions.
  • Advising clients on the legal support of the companies’ current activity and region organizations.
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