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Nikolay Roschupkin

Nikolay Roschupkin
Deputy Director
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  • Ural State Law Academy (2010)
  • Ural State Law Academy (2012)


  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2012


  • Russian
  • English
  • Trademarks
  • Patent law
  • Copyright and neighbouring rights
  • IP transactions
  • Legal representation and dispute resolution
  • ““Why to register a software?” (Habr, May 2022)
  • “Balance between right and duty” (Russian legal newspaper "ezh-YURIST" No. 26, July 2017)
  • “There’s only one “Health Formula”” (Gorodissky and Partners Information Bulletin, № 3 (122) 2017)
  • “Ways to protect the rights to designations that are not trademarks” (Legal protection, economics and management of intellectual property: materials of the scientific-practical conference. Chapter 2. UrFU. Yekaterinburg, 2015)
  • “Special knowledge in resolving litigation related to the protection of intellectual property rights” (Patents and licenses, №6 2014)
  • “Request a specialized court as a way to obtain special knowledge” (Patents and licenses, №7 2014)
  • “Coincidence of the subject of the claim and the provisional measure in cases on the protection of intellectual rights” (Intellectual property. Industrial property, №5 2014)
  • “Characteristics of trademark disputes” (Bulletin of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Urals District, №2 2014)
  • “Problems of jurisdiction of the Intellectual Property Rights Court when considering cases of unfair competition on trademarks” (Problems of law, №1 2014)
  • “Trademark Dispute Resolution: Matters of Competence of Jurisdictional Authorities” (Collection of Reports of the II International Legal Forum "Legal Protection of Intellectual Property: Problems of Theory and Practice". MGUA them. O.E. Kutafin, February 2014)
  • “On the issue of a new procedure for early termination of the legal protection of a trademark due to non-use by its owner” (Legal protection, economics and management of intellectual property. Yekaterinburg, 2012)


  • “Disposal agreements of RIA rights and RIA creation agreements” (Educational program “IP commercialization in the university” at the Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, November 2022)
  • “Software IP protection issues” (Conference “IP commercialization in the Universities of Russia”, Ekaterinburg, November 2022)
  • “Peculiarities of RIA legal protection in the field of creative industries (architecture, industrial design, fashion industry)” (Series of seminars “Creative economy in connection with IP”, Perm, November 2022)
  • “Software: protection needed” (20th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, June 2022)
  • “Property rights to intellectual property as an asset of a company: registration, accounting, disposal, alienation, pledge”, “Intellectual rights on the Internet” (Seminar “Some aspects of protection and protection of intellectual property for successful business development”, Gorodissky IP School, Yekaterinburg , April 2019)
  • “Copyright: Myths and Reality” (report within the framework of the Educational Program “Industrial Challenges of the Urals” of the Golden Section Foundation for Supporting Talented Children and Youth, Yekaterinburg, August 2018)
  • “Some issues of intellectual property protection” (Seminar “Intellectual Property in the Activity of Companies”, Ekaterinburg, April 2018)
  • “Some issues of protection of objects of copyright” (Report of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art, Yekaterinburg, June 2017)
  • “Methods of protection of rights to designations that are not trademarks” (Scientific-practical conference “Legal protection, economics and management of intellectual property”, Yekaterinburg, April 2015)
  • “On the issue of a new procedure for early termination of the legal protection of a trademark due to non-use by its owner” (Scientific-practical conference “Legal Protection, Economics and Management of Intellectual Property”, Yekaterinburg, April 2012)
  • Represented interests of an oil service company in cases of illegal use of an invention, culminating in the recovery of a multi-million dollar compensation in favor of the client.
  • Represented interests of a software company in cases of illegal use of the client’s intellectual property.
  • Represented a manufacturer of paints and varnishes for industrial use in a series of trademarks illegal use cases, which ended with the recovery of multi-million compensation in favor of the client and recognition of opponents actions as an act of unfair competition.
  • Represented a major regional manufacturer of finishing materials in a series of cases challenging patents for industrial designs.
  • Supported transactions on disposal of exclusive rights for a number of regional companies from the fields of pharmaceuticals, information technology and dairy products.
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