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Zhanna Kamaeva

Zhanna Kamaeva
Trademark Attorney
Head of Trademark Group
IP Renewals & Recordals Department
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  • Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (1996–2001)


  • Sojuzpatent (1992–1999)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 1999


  • Russian
  • English
  • Trademarks and service marks, appellations of origin of goods and geographical indications
  • National, international and regional trademarks
  • Assignment of rights for trademarks and patents
  • Recordation of merger, demerger, split-off with regards to trademarks and patents
  • Recordation of changes in trademarks, patents, appellations of origin of goods and geographical indications
  • Maintenance in force of trademarks, patents, appellations of origin of goods and geographical indications
  • Provision of services on early termination of legal protection of trademarks
  • Strategic project planning, consulting and case management for the registration of trademark assignment for a largest pharmaceutical UK company. The project involved approximately 1,000 trademarks in 12 countries.
  • Advising and handling the registration of changes in respect of trademarks for a largest Russian oil company.
  • Management of trademark portfolio of a major Russian bank.
  • Advising and management of trademark protection proceedings of a major Russian power engineering company.
  • Representation of major foreign companies from Europe, the USA and Japan in the preparation and execution of trademark assignment procedures.
  • Repeated representation of interests of one of the most famous travel companies in the world.
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