Natalia Nikolaeva
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- “Franchising is a new level of business development” (, November 2024)
- “Comprehensive technology protection is an effective path to success” (KP - Novosibirsk, August 2024)
- “Investments in works of art: necessary steps before concluding a deal on the art market” (Magazine "Author's project. First persons" - Novosibirsk, February 2024)
- “Reverse Engineering as a Tool for Technological Progress” (, Novosibirsk, July, 2022)
- Art & Law Insights - Global Legal Briefing / Chapter Russia (I, Lawyer - Innovation Lawyer Project by Zaglio Orizio e Associati in collaboration with Partners & Friends, August 2021)
- “Intellectual property - mean of combining innovation and investment” (Delovoi kvartal - Novosibirsk, July 2021)
- Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: A Global Guide 2021, chapter Russia” (World Trademark Review, May 2021)
- “The court for a long time took away the taste for coffee from IP infringers” (Сommersant - Sibir, December 2020)
- “Intellectual property of a website: what elements are important to protect?” (, July 2020)
- “Clearing the market of FMCG counterfeits” (“World Trademark Review”, № 82, January/February 2020)
- Procedures and strategies for anti-counterfeiting: Russia (“Anti-counterfeiting: A Global Guide 2019” (Chapter Russia) by World Trademark Review”, Issue № 2021, May 2019)
- “3D Printing and IP: Legal Protection of 3D Models” (Сommersant - Sibir / “Tools for business - digital technology” Magazine, February 2019)
- “IP as intangible assets and their value to a company” (Commersant - Sibir, September 2018)
- “Parallel independent creation: is it possible?” (Gorodissky and Partners Information Bulletin, № 2 (120) 2017)
- “International organizations’ role in IP development” (“Patent attorney”, #4, 2016)
- “Copyright”, “Copyright infringement lawsuit” (“IP Management in Russia” of Gorodissky & Partners for JETRO, 3rd edition, March 2016)
- “Online brand protection under Russian law” (Online Brand Enforcement 2016 / World Trademark Rewiew, February 2016)
- Chapter 32 “Russia” (“Trade Secrets throughout the World”, edition 2014–2015)
- “False identity: YAMATO or YAMATA” (Gorodissky and Partners Information Bulletin, № 4 (72) 2010)
- “Authors' Rights on the created Results of Intellectual Activity, Creation and Registration Peculiarities” (Seminars “The Role of Intellectual Property in modern business”, “The Role of Intellectual Property in the Metallurgical Industry. Protection of New Developments in the Field of Metallurgy. Trends and Realitie”, Ekaterinburg, November 2024)
- “Trademarks - what do we get when we register them?” (Seminar “The Role of Intellectual Property in modern business”, Ekaterinburg, November 2024)
- “Protection of Intellectual Rights on Marketplaces. About the rights of foreign companies and not only”, “Geographical element in means of individualization” (SibLegalWeek 2024, Novosibirsk, October 2024)
- “Trademarks - what do we get when we register them?” (Seminar “The Role of Intellectual Property in Small and Medium Businesses”, Arkhangelsk, June 2024)
- “New state standard (GOST) for patent research: pros and cons” (Seminar “Innovation Environment. Patent research as a tool for scientific and technological cooperation”, Novosibirsk, March 2024)
- “How not to make a mistake when buying or selling a franchise?” (Сonference “Franchising. Investments. Entrepreneurship”, Kazan, November 2023)
- “Problems of Legal Regime of Geographical Indications in Russia” (V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges of the XXI Century”, Tomsk, November 2023)
- “How not to make a mistake when buying or selling a franchise?” (Сonference “Franchising. Investments. Entrepreneurship”, Samara, October 2023)
- “Dialogue with Investor: Will NDA Protect You?” (SibLegalWeek-2023, Novosibirsk, October 2023)
- “Protection of Innovations in Biotechnology: Inventions and Breeding Achievements” (10th Russian Biotechnology Forum OpenBio-2023, Novosibirsk, September 2023)
- “R&D contract - will the customer be the sole right holder?” (21th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, September 2023)
- “Main differences of copyright legislation in Italy and Russia, global trends in this field, including protection of street-art works and objects created by artificial intelligence” (Conference “Art Law. Legal Regulation and Protection of Intellectual Rights in State and Private Museums and Galleries”, St.Petersburg, June 2023)
- “Trademarks: what do we get when we register them?” (Forum “Business in the Modern Environment”, Irkutsk, May 2023)
- “Trademarks: what do we get when we register them?” (Workshop on IP protection at Pacific National University Business Incubator, Khabarovsk, May 2023)
- “Protection and promotion of regional brands to improve the economic attractiveness of the region” (World IP Day at the State Public Science and Technology Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, April 2023)
- “Copyright in Creative Industries” (Online training “Cyberspace and Creative Industries of Primorye”, Vladivostok, April 2023)
- “Fundamentals of patenting and commercialization of technologies” (Seminar “Fundamentals of patenting and commercialization of technologies”, Novosibirsk, November 2022)
- “Pre-trial dispute resolution and problems of implementing the civil law methods of IPR protection” (International Conference “Legal regulation of IPR protection”, Novosibirsk, November 2022)
- “Legal regulation of exclusive rights in art”, “Legal regulation of exclusive rights in media and digital content production” (Series of seminars “Creative economy in connection with IP”, Perm, November 2022)
- “Patent for IT technology: myths and realities” (SibLegalWeek, Novosibirsk, October 2022)
- “Legal basis of IPR disposal in young inventors institutions”, “Course on patenting for young inventors”, “Course on Patenting for Students” (International Forum IN’HUB, Novosibirsk, October 2022)
- “Trademarks - asset or ballast”, “Patenting basics” (Business meetings on IP protection issues, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, October 2022)
- “Patents: asset or load?” (OpenBio Conference, September 2022)
- “The Features of the Eurasian System for the Protection of Industrial Designs ” (Round table at Siberian Center of Russian PTO “Trademarks in 2022: Changes and Practice”, Moscow, July 2022)
- “Trademarks and unfair competition. Choosing between court and antitrust authority” (20th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, June 2022)
- “Abuse of law as grounds for a claim refusal: application practice and court approaches” (19th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, November 2021)
- “Actual IP law novelties” (Technology Transfer Center NSTU seminar “IP protection and management in scientific institutions”, Novosibirsk, November 2021)
- “Investments secured by intellectual property”, “Using protection tools against unfair competition instead of IP rights infringement claims - replacement or addition?” (SibLegalWeek, Novosibirsk, October 2021)
- “Means of legal protection for regional brands: trademarks, appellations of origin, geographical indications”, “Protection of rights: how to prohibit and prosecute” (Round table “Promotion of regional brands, features of registration and legal protection”, Barnaul, September 2021)
- “Technology Licensing: How, What and Why?” (VIII International Forum of Technological Development “Technoprom-2021"”, Novosibirsk, August 2021)
- “IP due diligence: technologies and recommendations” (Seminar “Intellectual Property 4.0”, Novosibirsk, April 2021)
- “Development and practice of application of anti-piracy legislation in the Russian Federation” (IP Central Asian Forum 2021, April 2021)
- “Intellectual Property Court in Russia: Changes in market practice - compensation and IP infringement on the internet” (Chambers Webinar “Intellectual Property Court in Russia: Changes in market practice - compensation and IP infringement on the internet”, Moscow, Novosibirsk, November 2020)
- “Analysis of the key positions of the highest courts in disputes on the protection of exclusive rights to trademarks” (18th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, October 2020)
- “Disposing of IP rights”, “IP in corporate conflicts” (SibLegalWeek 2020, Novosibirsk, October 2020)
- “The best ways to protect rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization in modern conditions” (Workshop “The best ways to protect rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization in modern conditions”, Tomsk, November 2019)
- “Intellectual property of scientific and educational institutions — the foundation of the innovative development of the region” (VII International Forum of Technological Development Technoprom-2019, Novosibirsk, September 2019)
- “Intellectual property in the context of the integration of the EAEU countries: new mechanisms for the protection of rights and development prospects” (Conference “Export to the EAEU Countries. Prospects and Solutions for Siberian Companies”, Novosibirsk, June 2019)
- “Patent enforcement with specific reference to pharmaceutical litigation in the BRICS countries and how it compares to pharmaceutical litigation in Sweden and other Nordic countries” (BIPF/FICPI 2019 BRICS IP Forum, Stockholm, May 2019)
- “Selective achievements: topic issues of IPRs protection” (Seminar “IP: topic issues of protection, peculiarities of patenting in agro-industrial complex”, Novosibirsk region, March 2019)
- “Legal approaches of courts on disputes in respect to means of individualization with geographical elements” (XXII International Conference of the Russian PTO “The Role of Intellectual Property in Breakthrough Scientific and Technological Development of the Society”, Moscow, September 2018)
- “Recent approaches to pharma litigation in Russia” (European Life Sciences Forum 2018, London, April 2018)
- “If the Parallel Creativity is Possible? Courts Approaches in Assessing Protectability and Authorship Attribution in Disputes” (16th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2018)
- “Topical issues of industrial designs legal protection in Russia” (21st International Conference “IP role in innovative economy”, Moscow, October 2017)
- “Ways to obtain information on patent protection practices in different jurisdictions” (17th FICPI Open Forum, Venice, October 2017)
- “Brand protection: counterfeits and the unique problems in emerging markets” (MIP Luxury Brand & Retail Forum 2017, New York, April 2017)
- “New approaches of the Russian Supreme Court in trademark cancellation cases” (Conference “Top 10 legal disputes: past and present practices of civil disputes”, Moscow, December 2016)
- “Best practices for protection of Trade Dress in food industry in Russia” (Food and Beverage, Law & IP Summit, London, November 2016)
- “Contestation practice of the Russian PTO decisions: interesting and decisional cases” (14th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2016)
- “Brand Protection on the Internet in Russia” (10th Brand Protection and Anti-Counterfeiting Summit, Berlin, November 2015)
- “Domain name as an additional tool of an effective brand protection” (13th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2015)
- “Protection of exclusive rights in domain names and the Internet” (3rd International IP Forum hosted by Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow, February, 2015)
- “New approaches in hearing cases by the Intellectual Property Rights Court” (round table “Infringement of trademark and domain names rights in the Internet” under the aegis of the International trademark association (INTA), Moscow, October 2014)
- “IP Court — judicial step forward” (9th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Saint Petersburg, August 2013)
- “Legal issues on protection and enforcement of patent rights in Russia” (4th webinar “Legal issues on protection and enforcement of biopharmaceutical patent rights in Russia”, Moscow, June 2013)
- “Combating Counterfeiting in Russia” (8th
bi-annual AIPPI International Baltic Conference on Intellectual Property, Vilnius, Lithuania, April 2013) - “Notable IP battles of 2011–2012 in the Russian courts” (8th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2012)
- “Global and local „patent wars“ in the sphere of information technologies” (10th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2012)
- “Use of IP objects in domain names: legal regulations and judicial practice” (IX annual conference “Intellectual property: from safe protection to effective management”, Ekaterinburg, November 2011)
- “IP Conflicts on the Internet” (7th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, August 2010)
- “Copyright infringement on Internet” (III
All-Russia Forum “Intellectual Property — XXI Century”, Moscow, April 2010) - “Collective management of copyrights and neighbouring rights — myths and reality” (8th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2010)
- “Who remains at the top of the hill? Trademarks vs. clones” (5th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Saint Petersburg, August 2008)
- “Copyright: legislation novels” (6th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2008)
- “Principle of „senior right“ in conflict of a trademark with other objects” (5th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2007)
- “Conflicts between trademarks and other
subject-matters ” (3rd annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Saint Petersburg, August 2006)
- Represented a
well-known American playwright in a case of a copyright protection against several Russian theatres; as a result the theatres made licensing agreements with the author for using her plays. - Represented the largest Russian airline in a case on copyright infringement.
- Represented large German and Israeli companies in trademarks protection cases against former distributors, who have illegally registered
world-famous trademarks in their names; as a result, the illegal registration was cancelled. - Represented a large American company in a case of trademark infringement against manufacturer of counterfeit goods (construction materials); as a result, counterfeit products were arrested by police, destroyed and the illegal production was stopped; this case was covered in mass media.
- Represented several largest foreign companies from Europe, USA and Japan in cases against parallel importers.
- Represented clients in cases of trademark rights protection against illegal use of trademarks in the Internet, including domain names.
- Represented clients in cases of cancellation of trademark protection due to
non-use. - Represented a large US pharmaceutical company in a case on IP rights infringement against generic drugs producer.
- Represented a large Japanese producer of
shock-absorbers for vehicles against a patent troll, claiming to pay him 32 million dollars for his IP rights infringement; as a result, his 10 patents were cancelled and the cases on IP rights infringement, initiated by police, were dismissed. - Represented a large Korean electronic company in the case against a patent troll, claiming to pay him 10 million dollars for his IP rights infringement; as a result all his demands were rejected by the court.
- Performing IP due diligence for a large Russian corporation
- Performing IP due diligence for the largest Russian bank.
- Advising Russian, European, USA, Japanese and Korean companies on IP licensing and IP rights transfer.