
Inna Rybchak

Inna Rybchak
Trademark Attorney
Trademark Department
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  • Russian University of Cooperation (1994-1998)
  • Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (2000)
  • WIPO Academy


  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2000


  • Russian
  • English
  • Trademarks and service marks
  • Appellations of origin and geographical indications
  • Collective trademarks
  • National, international and regional trademarks
  • “Geographical Indications are a New Object of Intellectual Property. What are its Peculiarities and What are the Benefits for the Entrepreneur?” (Licensing Russia, August 2023)


  • “Geographical Names in Means of Individualisation of Goods and Services” (22nd annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, October 2024)
  • “Trademarks - what do we get when we register them?” (Seminar “The Role of Intellectual Property in Small and Medium Businesses”, Arkhangelsk, June 2024)
  • “Problems of Legal Regime of Geographical Indications in Russia” (V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges of the XXI Century”, Tomsk, November 2023)
  • “Trademarks: what do we get when we register them?” (Forum “Business in the Modern Environment”, Irkutsk, May 2023)
  • “Trademarks: what do we get when we register them?” (Workshop on IP protection at Pacific National University Business Incubator, Khabarovsk, May 2023)
  • “Geographical indications and appellations of origin: main characteristics and comparative analysis” (Seminar of Primorsky Krai Export Development Center, Vladivostok, November 2021)
  • “Geographical indications and appellations of origin: what to choose?”, “Registration of rights: procedure peculiarities with examples of real cases” (Round table “Promotion of regional brands, features of registration and legal protection”, Barnaul, September 2021)
  • Consulting, trademark protection and registration in Russia for one of the world's largest chemical-industrial company, including assistance in russification of the company’s Latin character brands.
  • Representation and protection of interests of a famous manufacturer of sport clothing, footwear and equipment in Russia and abroad in trademark matters.
  • Consulting and trademark registration in Russia for multinational agrochemical corporation.
  • Consulting, developing a strategy and conducting trademark registration in Russia and broad, including through the Madrid system for one of the largest Russian diamond mining companies.
  • Advising and conducting trademark registration through the Madrid system for one of the largest Russian oil companies.
  • Consulting on registration of trademarks (including non-traditional) in Russia and abroad of one of the largest Russian banks.
  • Advising and conducting appellations of origin registration in Russia for a Georgian wine producer.
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