Viacheslav Rybchak
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- “Obtaining Design Protection in Russia” (, December 2024)
- “Navigating the Eurasian Patent Landscape: Advantages for Innovators in the Middle East” (Biz Today, March 2024)
- “True or False? Design Protection in Russia and Eurasia” (Lexology Daily Newsfeed, September 2022)
- “Eurasian Industrial Design” (Gorodissky and Partners Information Bulletin, #2 (146), 2021)
- “ユーラシアにおける工業意匠の保護” ("A.I.P.P.I." Japanese Journal Vol.66 No.12, December 2021)
- “Protection by Design” (INTA Daily News, November 2021)
- Eurasian Industrial Design (The Trademark Lawyer by CTC Legal Media, issue 5, November 2021)
- “Geographical Indications in Russia: Federal Law 230-FZ of 26 July 2019” (GRUR International magazine by Oxford University Press, Volume 70, Issue 6, 2021)
- “New regional systems for protection of trademarks and designs in the Eurasian Economic Union states” (The Trademark Lawyer by CTC Legal Media, issue 3, 2021)
- <“Registration and life cycle of pharmaceutical trademarks in Russia” (GxP News, March 12, 2020)
- “GIs: Welcome to Russia” (INTA’s 2020 Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting Daily News, November 16, 2020)
- “Naming, registering and advertising pharmaceutical trademarks in Russia” (“World Trademark Review”, № 79, August/September 2019)
- “Appellations of origin of goods and geographical indications in Russia” (The Trademark Lawyer by CTC Legal Media, Issue 4 2018)
- “Procedures and strategies for pharmaceutical brands: Russia” (World Trademark Review - Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2017/2018 - A Global Guide: Chapter Russia)
- “Russia: Geographical names in trademarks” (The Trademark Lawyer by CTC Legal Media, March/April 2015)
- “Balancing all considerations” — Pharmaceutical trademarks section — Russia” (“World Trademark Review”, # 33, 2011)
- “Pharmaceutical trademarks: Russia” (“World Trademark Review”, # 21, 2009)
- “Development of the Eurasian Design Patenting System” (22nd annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, October 2024)
- “Design in Digital Environment and Industrial Design. Protection of Graphical User Interfaces: Key Features, Protection Problems”, “Industrial Design with Protected Trademarks and Copyright Objects. Peculiarities of Drafting and Examination of such Applications”(EAPO & Kyrgyzpatent seminar “Legal Protection of Designs. Development of Systems of Legal Protection of Industrial Designs in the Eurasian Region”, Bishkek, May 2024)
- “Eurasian Protection Systems for Designs” (Seminar “Intellectual Property: Some Aspects of IP Protection and Enforcement for Successful Business Development”, Astana, February 2024)
- “Eurasian Protection Systems for Designs and Trademarks” (Gorodissky seminar “Eurasia: New IP Horizons”, Dubai, October 2023)
- “Legal protection of graphical interface as an industrial design” (XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Rospatent “IP Era”, Moscow, September 2023)
- “The latest novels of the Eurasian industrial design – 3-D models” (Global Intellectual Property Convention 2023, Goa, World Intellectual Property Forum 2023, Bangalore, February, 2023)
- “The Eurasian Patent System – history, modern state and further development” (Global Intellectual Property Convention 2023, Goa, World Intellectual Property Forum 2023, Bangalore, February, 2023)
- “Regional system of protection of trademarks and designs in Eurasia” (10th Annual World IP Forum 2022, Bangkok, October 2022)
- “National and international legal protection of industrial designs” (20th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, June 2022)
- “Legal protection of design in EAEU countries: industrial design, copyright or trademark” (XIII IP Forum. Russia & CIS, Moscow, April 2022)
- “New regional systems of trademarks and designs protection in the Eurasian states” (19th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, November 2021)
- “New Regional Systems: Protecting Trademarks and Designs in the Eurasian States” (Lexology webinar “New Regional Systems: Protecting Trademarks and Designs in the Eurasian States”, Moscow, November 2021)
- “Eurasian Design Protection System: Time to Start” (Gorodissky seminar “Eurasian Design Protection System: Time to Start”, Moscow, May 2021)
- “New regional system for protection of trademarks and designs in the Eurasian Economic Union states” (Gorodissky seminar “Expansion of IP Horizons in Eurasia”, Moscow, April 2021)
- “Geographical indications - what’s new in Russian legislation” (18th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, October 2020)
- “Russian specifics of registration as designation of origin names of foreign geographical objects names” (CCI France Russie IP Committee Online Meeting, Moscow, June 2020)
- “Geographical Indications in Wine Industry” (Seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2019)
- “Competition – Corporate Identity vs. Imitation” (Private Label Conference, Moscow, March 2019)
- “Legal protection of industrial designs abroad” (Seminar “Legal protection of industrial designs abroad”, Moscow, November 2018)
- “Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications”, “Legal Protection of GUI” (16th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2018)
- “Trademark and design protection strategy in Russia” (Brand Protection Congress, Munich, November 2017)
- “Trademark and design protection strategy in Russia” (2nd Global Brand Protection Innovation Programme, Frankfurt, March 2017)
- “How to protect IP in fashion - Design protection” (“IP in Fashion” Seminar, Milano, November 2016)
- “Russian Industrial Design and Trademark Systems” (Seminar “Russian IP System” held by KPAA (Korea Patent Attorneys Association), Seoul, October 2016)
- “IP transactions, Trade Secrets and Litigating” (JIPII’s Seminar (Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation), Tokyo, October 2016)
- “Russian Industrial Design & Trademark Systems” (JPAA’s Seminar (Japan Patent Attorneys Association), Tokyo, October 2016)
- “Actual legal tools for business individualization” (IP Seminar “The role of intellectual property in doing business today”, Vladivostok, September 2016)
- “Public opinion surveys on trademarks” (14th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2016)
- “Trademark Protection Strategy in Russia” (Russia’s IP Protection and Transaction Seminar, Beijing, November 2015)
- “Kinds of trademarks including
non-traditional and hieroglyphics” (BRICS IP Forum (BIPF), Shanghai, November 2015) - “Opposition and invalidation proceedings for trademarks in Russia”(Gorodissky IP Seminar — INTA, May 2015)
- “Geographical denominations in trademarks: pros and cons” (13th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for company successful development”, Moscow, April 2015)
- “Administrative procedure of trademark contestation” (“Obtaining and enforcing of trademark rights under contemporary reality”, Kazan, August 2014)
- “New developments in Russian Trademark Law” (JETRO, Tokyo, Japan, July 2014)
- “Administrative procedure of trademark contestation” (12th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for company successful development”, Moscow, April 2014)
- “Invalidation actions at the Russian PTO” (9th annual seminar “Obtaining and enforcement of IP Rights in Russia”, St. Petersburg, August 2013)
- “How to use a trademark and to prove a trademark use?” (11th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2013 (
co-speaker A. Bogacheva) - “Using state and international organizations’ symbols in trademarks” (10th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for company successful development”, Moscow, April 2012)
- “Appealing against the Russian Patent and Trademark Office Actions in Chamber of Patent Disputes based on absolute grounds of refusal” (2nd annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2005)
- “Drafting of Responses to Enquiries and Notifications of the Russian PTO within Substantive Examination and Appealing to the Russian PTO Actions all dealing with relative grounds of refusal” (2nd annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2005)
- “Contestation of Rospatent decisions and trademark validity” (3rd annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company’s development”, Moscow, April 2005)
- “Contestation of trademark validity” (2nd annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company’s development”, Moscow, October 2004)
- “Drafting of Responses to Enquiries and Notifications of the Russian Patent and Trademark Office and Decisions of Rejection all dealing with relative grounds of refusal” (1st annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2004)
- “Appealing against Examiners Decisions and Filing Objections against Validity of Trademarks on Absolute Grounds” (1st annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2004 (
co-speaker A.Kratiuk)
- Consulting and leading a case on obtaining legal protection of a geographical indication for a Russian manufacturer of folk art products.
- Consulting and successful representation a major manufacturer of children's constructors in proceedings on invalidation of a third party design patent.
- Consulting and successful representation one of the largest manufacturers of audio equipment in a series of proceedings for protection and maintenance of design patents.
- Consulting and successful representation a major Russian manufacturer of construction and finishing materials in a series of proceedings on invalidation of a competitor's Eurasian design patents.
- Consulting a major Russian information technology client and successfully leading a series of litigations aimed at overcoming design patent rejections.
- Consulting a large Russian industrial company on a design patenting strategy and representation in the Russian PTO.
- Advising and assisting a large automobile company in appeal case against a design patent refusal in the Russian PTO.
- Consulting a large global hygiene and health company on design patent infringement case regarding personal care products.
- Consulting and obtaining appellations of origin legal protection in Russia for Italian cheese manufacturer.
- Consulting and trademark prosecution for a large French dairy manufacturer.
- Consulting and trademark prosecution in Russia and CIS for a large household chemicals manufacturer.
- Successful representation of a large French shipbuilder in invalidation action against third party`s trademark registration due to similarity.
- Advising and representation of a large German chocolate manufacturer on a strategy of product’s shape protection.
- Consulting and appellations’ of origin prosecution for a Georgian wine manufacturer.